Know what we are and are not..
Disclaimer: Brainiac Capitalx's °Goshen System° Fund
Brainiac Capitalx's °Goshen System° Fund is not a get-rich-quick system, nor is it a Ponzi scheme or fast money doubling scheme. It's a proven hedge systems fund with a focus on global macroeconomics, emerging markets, and disruptive technologies (like Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Modern Health science etc), firmly managed by experienced professionals in global markets, finance, and macroeconomics with the strength of character, integrity, and courage to make a lasting global impact.
Brainiac Capitalx °Goshen Systems Fund° is primarily designed for clients with an open mind, who are constantly learning, diligent, and working smart with a long-term perspective of hedging their money against inflation, devaluation, national debts, & depleting economic forces, with a laser focus on wealth creation for a good lasting legacy with impact and value addition to their family, workplace, nation, and mankind.
IF you do not fit into the description above, please DO NOT subscribe to our Goshen System Fund. We will NOT accept your subscription.
There are always risks with every economic & financial system, including Brainiac Capitalx. But our °Goshen Systems Fund° has put up strong measures, security, and systems to protect & mitigate these risks, however, there might still be some risks outside the control of Brainiac Capitalx that may not be covered.
Our average ROF (return on funds) is 3% monthly, 10%, quarterly, 20% biannually. This yields an average 40% APY (annual percentage yield), which is 4 times what any Banks, FinTech, or any Investment Holding companies can offer your savings & investments. Our Goshen Systems Fund will surely put you above your country's double-digit inflation (23%), not under it, where you lose your wealth faster than you make it.
Please read the Memorandum of Agreement and understand it before proceeding to invest.